Wednesday, July 18, 2018

IOT Experiment using Raspberry Pi and other Devices

Test LED working or not by giving to Power.
If working remove and place it in GPIO Pin

led             anode            cathode
        resistor one end    gnd(6 or 9 or 14)
resistor other end: GPIO PIN(12,11)

->Led Anode(LargeLeg)with Resister 1 Leg
LED Cathode (Small Leg) with GND
Register another leg with GPIO

To import Raspberry from python
import RPi.GPIO       //Using library's in Commands
import time   //for giving delay
import RPi.GPIO as h //Short cut for reusing reducing length
h.setwarnings(False)  //to avoid warinings
h.setmode(h.BOARD)  //Board Mode (Sequence Numbers) or BCM MODE   RED GREEN
print("led on")
time.sleep(5) //given delay for lite to glow for every 5 seconds
print("led off")

Code:-2 For Continues looping using while
To import Raspberry from python
import RPi.GPIO       //Using library's in Commands
import time   //for giving delay
import RPi.GPIO as h //Short cut for reusing reducing length
h.setwarnings(False)  //to avoid warinings
h.setmode(h.BOARD)  //Board Mode (Sequence Numbers) or BCM MODE   RED GREEN
while 1:
    print("led on")
    time.sleep(5) //given delay for lite to glow for every 5 seconds
    print("led off")
CTL+C to Stop execution
To Run Same Script in Linux Shell
CTRL+Z to Stop Execution
pwd      // present working directory
ls    //list  of files in directory
mkdir home/pi  //Selecting specific location
To come back from pi top home
cd ..
To run a file

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